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Judicial Committee Records

The Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) adjudicates all reported cases of violations of the University’s Code of Conduct. The Committee comprises elected student representatives who work alongside faculty and administrative staff and plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of accountability and ethical behaviour among students.

AJC Ruling on Plagiarism in Foundations of Design & Entrepreneurship II Course

AJC Ruling on Violation of the Examination Code of Conduct

AJC Ruling on Plagiarism in Thesis Proposal

Ruling on Social Misconduct (Appeal): Unauthorised use of another’s Meal Plan Information

AJC Ruling on Social Misconduct: Unauthorised Use of Another’s Meal Plan Information

AJC Ruling on Social Misconduct: Bullying and Assault

AJC Ruling on Plagiarism in Leadership 2 Course

AJC Ruling on Violating Examination Code of Conduct in Computer Programming & Embedded Systems

AJC Ruling on Social Misconduct: Impersonation of Another Student

AJC Ruling on Plagiarism in Leadership 1 Course (Original Sanction & Appeal)

AJC Ruling on Alleged Sexual Misconduct Case

AJC Ruling on Alleged Academic Dishonesty in Finance for Non-Finance Course

AJC Ruling on Plagiarism in Investment Course

AJC ruling on academic misconduct in Computer Programming for CS Course

AJC Ruling on Academic Misconduct in Introduction to Finance Course

AJC Ruling on Academic Misconduct in Corporate Finance Course

AJC Ruling on violation of Ashesi’s Examination Code of Conduct in Discrete Structures & Theory Course

AJC Ruling on Social/Academic Misconduct – Violation of Ashesi Honor Code

AJC ruling on alleged disorderly conduct & harassment

AJC ruling on alleged academic dishonesty in Leadership Course