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Information Technology

This course will establish basic information technology literacy, information systems and how they are used in business, including hands-on use of computer applications, principles of digital computers and the internet, data communications and problem-solving through programming.

Software: Python (IDE: Thonny)

Recommended Materials

  • Fluency with Information Technology Skills, Concepts and Capabilities by Lawrence Snyder, 6th edition, Pearson International. Click here for on-line textbook resource (code needed)
  • Fundamentals of Information Systems by Ralph M. Stair and George W. Reynolds 8th edition, Cengage Learning.
  • Link to Python setup

Faculty: David Ebo Adjepon-Yamoah, Akua Ahenkorah & Kwabena Bamfo

Faculty Interns: Albert Hodo, Kwabena Buamono Aboagye-Otchere, Yvonne Dewortor