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AJC Ruling on the First Violation of the Ashesi Examination Honour Code

On April 28 2009, the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) ruled against seven (7) students for violation of the Ashesi Examination Honour Code in the Social Research Methods Mid- Semester Examination. The verdict was based on several eye witness reports indicating that the students involved exchanged information during the examination clearly indicating cheating on their part. As stated in the Ashesi Examination Honour Code “A student is considered to have violated the examination honor code when he/she exchanges information that could result in an unfair advantage for one or more students before, during or after a test, quiz, or exam. “


  1. All the students received a failing grade for the Social Research Methods Course and would have to re-take the course

The AJC hopes that others learn from this incident and would like to congratulate the students who were courageous enough to report the violation of the honour code by not signing the pledge. The AJC would like to encourage students to abide by the exam code of conduct which include:

  • With the exception of open-book tests, students must leave all books and other aids in an inaccessible place;
  • Must leave mobile phones and other electronic communication devices switched off;
  • May not leave the room and return to the test without express permission;
  • Are not allowed to talk to each other;
  • Should try to ensure that their line of sight does not cause others to suspect them of cheating.