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AJC Ruling on Misconduct in Programming I Mid Semester Exam

On October 24 2014 the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) ruled in a case of misconduct involving two students from the Class of 2018. The AJC concluded that the students are guilty of violating the Examination Code of Conduct in the mid-semester Programming I Exam, because they talked and shared information during the examination.

The Examination Code of Conduct, Section 8.1 of the Student Handbook says:

“The purpose of the Exam Code of Conduct is to create an ethical environment for examinations. Failure to abide by the Exam Code of Conduct can result in disciplinary action. During an examination, students:

  • Are not allowed to talk to each other, exchange verbal or non-verbal information or physical objects of any kind, or engage in any activity that could result in the unfair advantage for one or more students before, during, or after the quiz or exam, while they are in or out of the classroom”

In addition the Committee noted evidence of lying to the Committee. Even after being informed that there was evidence corroborating the accusation, there was repeated denial of the accusation. In the case of one student, the Committee felt that the student was dismissive towards the university’s stance on academic honesty. Furthermore, he did not give the AJC process the respect that was due, by leaving the designated waiting area while the hearing was underway. This action resulted in the Committee having to telephone the student to ascertain the student’s whereabouts, and to request that the student return to the AJC hearing location, which the student should not have left without advising the Committee.


1) Both students will receive a failing grade for the Programming 1 Course

2) The students will have individual meetings with the President of Ashesi and the Provost or Associate Provost (subject to scheduling).

3) Following said meetings the students will write reflective essays which will be placed on their files.

The Committee encourages students to consider how a lack of ethics and integrity affects individuals and the wider community, and how a lack of awareness of rules and codes of conduct can have grave repercussions. We hope this will be a valuable lesson and will serve to strengthen the students’ understanding of honour, and deepen their appreciation for procedure, guidelines and rules.

The AJC would especially like to advise the Ashesi community of the following:

  1. The Examination Code of Conduct must be strictly adhered to and students should consult the Student Handbook to refresh their knowledge of it in the Student  Handbook.
  2. All students should note that even if it is your first semester or year at Ashesi, and even if your class has not yet signed on to the Honour Code, the Examination Code of Conduct should govern the conduct in examinations, quizzes/tests.
  3. The minimum sanction that the AJC issues a student found guilty, is a failing grade for the course.
  4. The AJC process and hearing must be given due respect. Actions suggesting otherwise may increase the sanctions issued.
  5. Invigilators should endeavor to reiterate or post expectations for examinations and quizzes/tests at the start of examination or testing periods, or whenever a strict code of conduct is expected, particularly in the first semester of students’ freshman year. This however, should simply serve to remind students of what they will have read in the Handbook and should not replace personal responsibility.