In addition to a completed IRB application form, you must also submit the following documents:
- Research proposal (for students)
- Thesis: chapter1-3 (Introduction, literature review and methodology)
- Applied project: chapter 1, plan (introduction, background, requirement plan)
- Summary of the proposal (Students and non-students). The summary should include:
- A brief summary of the background literature stimulating the research
- The rationale for the proposed study, including specific aims and hypothesis
- A description of the participants and how they will be recruited
- A detailed description of the study methodology
- Budget and schedule (timeline) details of research proposal
- Not more than 2 pages
- Consent form to be used with subjects in the research(Students and non-students)
- Research instrument, that is questionnaire, interview guide, etc. that are approved by faculty supervisor (Students and non-students)
- Any additional documents that will assist reviewers to fully understand the purposes, methods and field procedures that will be used
Be sure to review your application before submission to make certain that it is complete. if it is not complete, a decision about the application will be delayed. Submit completed forms to