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Leading Ladies Seminar held at Ashesi University

Women of Ashesi in conjunction with Women of Virtue and Ashesi Business Club held the first “Leading Ladies Seminar” on the campus of Ashesi University College from the 22nd to the 24th of April 2009. Participants included Ashesi students a few others from some other Ghanaian universities.

The event sought to provide university-level women an opportunity to interact and discuss issues that pertain to women in the world today. Activities included team building exercises, a discussion on world economic issues and a celebration of some of Ashesi’s outstanding women.

The highlight of the event was the formal launch of the Women of Ashesi campus organization. Yawa Hansen-Quao, past President of Women of Ashesi & past Vice President of Women of Virtue launched the group with Mrs. Rebecca Awuah, a Mathematics instructor at Ashesi University.

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