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How this alumna grew an on-campus side hustle into a thriving business

Whenever Joyce Boadi-Okyere ’07 notices gaps, she almost immediately begins to think up business ideas. It is a trait that has been second-nature for a long time.

As a student at Ashesi, for example, she realised most of her classmates always bought beverages multiple times a day from nearby tuck shops. And she figured it was an opportunity waiting to be tapped. She took advantage of the demand and became the go-to person for purchasing beverages on campus, building a thriving business.

Today, she runs Dorotheen Enterprise and Posky Plus Enterprise, two growing businesses serving as one-stop shops for products and services spanning a wide range of industries. For Joyce, it is important to strive to leave as little on the table as possible. 

“I realized early on that this is where I thrive; finding gaps, running with business ideas and figuring out how to fill the gaps,” she shared. “This is exactly how I started my first business coming out of school. For most of us then, the expected next step after graduating was between settling down into a marriage or a job. I did not see myself taking either path; so I spent a lot of time understanding which products most of my classmates were spending money on, and then became the go-to supplier for them.”

Even though she had had a knack for business, Joyce credits her strong foundation to friends, family and also some of the experiences she had at Ashesi.

She picked up a lot of lessons about understanding customers, from serving as the Ashesi Student Council’s Welfare Chairperson. In this position, she learned to listen to people, understand needs and figure out how to effectively help address them. These skills, she shares, are brought to bear in how she runs her businesses.

“Growing a successful business involves building trust with customers and this is where I believe I have thrived,” she said. “I make sure I always give my customers value for money. Even when I was dealing with my classmates back on campus, I avoided cutting corners and always ensured they were getting their money’s worth. It made all the difference for their continued preference for buying from me.”

These days, Joyce has become accustomed to wearing many hats. In addition to running and growing her businesses, she is actively involved in public speaking, mentorship and providing start-up advisory services for budding entrepreneurs. In her view, success involves holding the door open for others to walk through as well.

“I realised my journey and experiences could be useful to upcoming entrepreneurs,” said Joyce, who has received multiple business accolades over the years. “Through serving as an example to others I get to help them along their own journeys, and this is fulfilling.”

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