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This course is designed to equip students with the necessary tools, skills and competencies required of contemporary managers of top-notch organizations to properly handle financial management and planning issues. It is a platitude that almost every activity in an organization has some monetary implications, hence may translate into numbers. Managers must therefore be trained to know how their actions and inactions affects the numbers, which in turn affect the entity’s profitability; a critical ingredient necessary for the long-term survival of the business.

The course is organized under four main thematic areas – understanding the business, tax, and finance environments; understanding financial statements; effective cost management and planning; and effective financial decision-making. Materials for the course will be delivered through lectures and class presentations of relevant cases, which draw on specific concepts discussed to enhance students’ understanding.

Required for all Management Information Systems & Computer Science majors

Offered: Semester 2 and 3
Course Type: Lecture