CS 111 Introduction to Computing & Information Systems
This course will establish basic information technology literacy, information systems concepts, including hands-on use of computer applications, principles of digital computers and the internet, data communications and problem-solving through programming. Students will learn how to construct their own websites, develop an on-line presence through Linked-In, become adept at using Ashesi’s computerized course management and grading systems, business applications, and how to design, construct and use simple databases using Microsoft Access. We will use JavaScript/Processing to introduce the following programming concepts
To become familiar with computers and how they are used in university studies To be able to shop for a computer, knowing key features and why they are important To be able to construct a simple Access database and query it To prepare students to be able to learn the features of various business software tools and apply these tools in efficiently and effectively solving problems. To develop team skills while constructing a website and making a group presentation To be able to construct console app, animations, graphic/webpage applications using JavaScript To learn about careers in computing and information technology
IT Literacy Information Systems Infrastructure Databases Computer Professions Business Software Development Information Systems Management Programming how and why Fluency variables, syntax, types Useful operators Program ow, Booleans, if/else, select case Decomposition, functions/subroutines Repetition, arrays, for, while loop Drawing on the screen
Linkedin Access Databases Programming HTML CSS Variables, syntax, types Useful operators Program flow, Booleans, if/else, select case Decomposition, functions/subroutines Repetition, arrays, for, while loop Drawing on the screen