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Commencement 2019: With first cohort of Engineering graduates, Ashesi’s Class of 2019 celebrates milestone Commencement

Ashesi’s 15th commencement was an exciting mix of memorable moments, bringing yet another milestone and chapter to Ashesi’s history. Held for the first time on the University’s recently completed sports field, nearly 2,000 guests – family, friends, and alumni – were present to celebrate the Class of 2019’s Commencement. It was the largest commencement ceremony Ashesi has ever hosted, and was a fitting tribute to the Class that brought the pioneering cohort of Engineering students. And for the first time in a long time, the rains held back and gave way to sunny blue skies as the ceremony went on. 

With 23% being international students, and 59% of students receiving scholarships, the Class of 2019 is Ashesi’s most diverse yet. Countries represented in this Class included Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Approximately 85% of the class graduated in four years, and some 20% graduated with academic honours – an impressive accomplishment.

Speaker for the Class of 2009, celebrating a decennium since their graduation, also reminded the Class to be inspired by the high expectations the world has of them.

“Make your time spent here count,” Joseph Hanson ’09 shared with the Class. “People remain amazed that exams here are written in the absence of invigilators; demonstrate to them that our commitment to doing the right thing lives beyond exams. They get amazed at our knowledge and attention to detail; demonstrate to them that it can be done. They get amazed at our willingness to embrace the unknown, try the untried, and face challenges head on; demonstrate to them that we share a spirit of adventure and possibility. Never mind that you will be called too-known. Never mind that expectations will be higher for you than others. Be inspired and driven by it.”

Congratulations, Class of 2019. Welcome to the Ashesi alumni community, and we look forward to seeing who you become and what you accomplish in the years ahead! 

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