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Ashesi Student Council joins PUSAG

As part of the Student Council’s efforts to encourage and foster friendships with other universities in Ghana, the A.S.C. wishes to announce that it is now a member of the Private Universities Students’ Association of Ghana (PUSAG).

PUSAG was established in 2007 and now actively works with many private institutions across the country. It aims to offer a common platform for effective networking and the coordination of student activities on issues of national and international interest. It also seeks to instill in students a sense of discipline and active participation in all activities relating to national development, while promoting friendship and cooperation between PUSAG and the public universities.

In addition to some notable activities such as the annual PUSAG Sports and Entertainment Festival, PUSAG is taking initiatives to inform and contribute to the discussions on issues that threaten to deprive private universities of opportunities and growth.

The A.S.C. looks forward to working with the other universities under PUSAG to strengthen its voice while exploring opportunities available nationally and internationally.

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