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Ashesi opens new campus facility

Ashesi University is expanding! To accommodate increased enrollment in 2003 and the addition of new faculty, we have renovated an adjunct campus facility one block from our original campus in the Labone neighborhood of Accra. Over the past few months, contractors have been working to add two new classrooms, faculty offices, and a dining area. The work has recently been completed and the campus is ready for students and faculty. The new facilities are equipped with air conditioning, Internet access, digital video projection equipment and a network connection to our original campus. In addition, we have expanded the computer facilities on the original campus to offer students even more computers for student use in 2003. We are very excited that more students have been attracted to Ashesi this year; the expansion of our campus will help ensure that access to the latest technology, highly trained faculty and an exceptional learning environment do not diminish as we continue to grow.

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