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AJC Ruling on Social Misconduct: Bullying and Assault

On Friday, February 17th, 2023, the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) heard and deliberated on an accusation of bullying and assault. A class of 2024 student assaulted another that sent the student assaulted into the hospital for an emergency surgery. During the hearing it was discovered that the accused had previously recorded assaults on the same student and posted on social media as entertainment for which the assaulted student expressed their disapproval of the videos. These acts led the committee to believe that their interactions were not friendly or mutual, but simply a student bullying the other just because they could.

After carefully reviewing all the facts of the case, AJC found the accused student guilty of violence & assault, intimidation, harassment and engaging in non-consensual behaviour. As stated in the Ashesi Student Handbook: “Students are prohibited from engaging in physical violence against others. Those who do will face severe sanctions, which may include adjudication by the AJC leading to suspension or dismissal.” (Section 10.9)

“Intimidation includes verbal, written, or electronic threats of violence, or other threatening behaviour directed toward another person or group that reasonably leads the person or persons in the group to fear for their physical well-being.” (Section 10.10)

“The University seeks to sustain an environment in which harassment has no place. Those who harass others will be subject to serious sanctions, which may include adjudication by the AJC leading to suspension or dismissal.” (Section 10.11)

After deliberating, the AJC concluded that the student should be expelled from the university.

Advice to the Ashesi Community:

Ashesi University seeks to maintain an environment of mutual respect. All forms of violence, assault, intimidation, and harassment, including that based on sex, race, colour, age, religion, national origin, or handicap, undermine the basis for such respect and violate the sense of community vital to the University. (Section 10.8)

  1. As much as students are encouraged to have fun, they are required to have responsible fun. Violent acts in the false display as having fun and/or traditions will not be tolerated in any form.
  2. Ashesi has a zero tolerance for bullying, intimidation, violence, assault, harassment, and non-consensual behaviour and this applies to all community members.

We trust that this case will serve as a learning experience for our community. Our code of ethics is central to our mission: to train a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa; to cultivate within our students the critical thinking skills, concern for others, and the courage it will take to transform a continent.