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AJC Ruling on Academic Misconduct in Programming II Course (Fall 2012)

On January 24, 2013 the Ashesi Judicial Committee (AJC) ruled in a case of alleged academic dishonesty in an assignment for Programming II (Fall 2012).

The student had copied the bulk of an assignment from colleagues and handed it in as his own. During the hearing the guilty student admitted to academic misconduct.

As stated in Ashesi’s student handbook, “Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, unauthorized exchange of information or use of material during an examination, unauthorized transfer of information or completed work among students, use of the same paper in more than one course, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, and other unethical behavior. Disciplinary action will be taken against perpetrators of academic dishonesty”


The student received an F in the course and would therefore have to retake it at another time.

The AJC would especially like to advise students of the following:

  1. Avoid collaborating on work that requires you to work independently.
  2. Communicate with lecturers about any difficulties with assignments.
  3. Start work early on assignments to avoid mistakes and rushing to get it done when it’s almost due.