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Agile Software Development and Rails

Speaker: Eric Agbeli

Time: 2:30 – 4:00

Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Venue: Lecture Hall 4 (Building 3)

Talk Abstract:

In this modern age where demand for technology is rising and people’s
usual work lives have been taken over by the computer, demand for
applications that help mitigate stress and tedium has been sought
after by many companies and people. Most modern companies in Ghana are
pursuing software that would ease their procedures while increasing
profits. The market demand for software is increasing, therefore the
demand for its development and developers are also increasing
concurrently. Presently, most software company heads expect to see a
significant amount of progress within a relatively shorter period, as
far as the development or implementation is concerned. Agile
Programming is an interesting area that is working well with most
developers faced with changing application feature and constant
incessant demands from superiors. Ruby on Rails(Rails or RoR) is a
Model-View-Controller framework that helps facilitate rapid
development and efficient management of constant feature changes of an
application during and after development. Whether it is satisfying a
customer, exceeding project targets, or completing a personal project
by spending less time on development; Ruby on Rails can be a handy
tool to help accomplish the desired results, be it rapid development
or efficient management of application’s features before and after

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